School Board information

The Board of Education is responsible for determining the policies which guide the operation of Paris Union School District 95. State law holds school boards responsible for policies in these areas: approval of courses of study and textbooks, adoption of an annual budget, construction, furnishing and maintenance of facilities, employment and evaluation of the superintendent.

Elected members serve four-year terms and are not paid for their services. To be eligible to serve, a school board member must meet the following requirements on the date of election: a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years old, a registered voter, a resident of the State of Illinois, and a resident of Paris Union School District 95 for at least one year immediately preceding the election. All seven Board members have completed the Open Meetings Act Training as required under the Illinois School Code, (5 ILS 120/1.06) and the Professional Development Leadership Training.     

The Superintendent of Schools joins the Board at the table during meetings.

The Paris Union School District 95 Board of Education is a member of the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB). IASB is a voluntary organization of local boards of education dedicated to strengthening the Illinois public schools through local citizen control. Although not a part of State government, IASB is organized by member Board of Educations as a private not-for-profit corporation under authority granted by Article 23 of the School Code. The mission of the IASB is excellence in local school governance in support of quality public education.

For more information regarding IASB and its programs visit

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